vacations: year two What
follows are the second year's worth of one-minute vacations.
you like what you hear, I encourage you to purchase
a copy of the compilation CD that collects these recordings: all
profit from the sale of the CD (about 85% of the cost) goes to charity.
of these
compilations netted $250 for charity
in 2004; this was donated to Red
Cross International Response Fund in response to the Indian
Ocean tsunami.
gratitude to the year's contributors, who shared their recordings
with us, and who agreed to donate the profits of their work to charity.
'A week without you, thought I'd forget; two weeks without
you, and I still haven't gotten over you yet. Vacation all I ever wanted;
had to get away; vacation
meant to be spent alone...'
(The Go-Go's)
| |
 |  |  |
12, 2004 | 1.4
MB |
'Driving with friends of mine in my car, a 1985 Volkswagen Passat, on a Lithuanian
country road in 1999: I never imagined that these sounds could be created by my
car...' So writes today's contributor, gintas
k, a sound artist exploring minimal sounds, sine waves, noise, glitches, microwaves
and acoustic vibrations. | january
5, 2004 | 1.4
MB |
'Here's a seasonal minute, recorded last year in the days right before Christmas
in Old San Juan, Puerto Rico. For several days just before the holiday, there
is a daily 5 a.m. Mass in the cathedral followed by caroling loudly (for six in
the morning!) through the old city. This recording is of the singing residents
parading through the streets. Recorded to an HHb PortaDAT with a pair of DPA 4037
omni's velcroed to my shoulders.' Today's contribution comes from Scott
Shepard. | december
29, 2003 | 1.4
MB |
Nature Recordist Mark Armstrong wrote in the letter he enclosed with this recording,
'It is a really neat experience listening to birds as they migrate. Just knowing
they have come hundreds of miles and probably have a thousand more to go still
amazes me....' Of his recording, he explains, 'I recorded this at 6:20 a.m. on
September 20, 2003, at Frying Pan Gap, milepost 410 on the Blue Ridge Parkway
in North Carolina. In the spring and fall millions of small songbirds migrate
during the night. Instinctively, they migrate when conditions are most favorable
and in the fall, this means after a front passes and a north wind will help to
push them south. What you hear is the sound of birds calling as they descend from
their night of migration. It is about thirty minutes from sunrise, so it is still
quite dark and birds are searching for a place to land and rest and feed. Some
of the more recognizable birds are Swainson's Thrushes, Bobolink, and Rose-breasted
Grosbeak. The longest distance migrant is the Swainson's Thrush, which most likely
came from central Canada. I recorded this with a HHb Portadisc and a Sennheiser
ME-62 microphone in a Telinga parabola.' Wayfarers all: another year is ended. |
22, 2003 | 1
MB |
'This is an unedited one minute long excerpt from a recording of my fiancée
and I walking through the snow here in Halifax Nova Scotia Canada one day last
winter. The interesting thing to us about this recording is that within the 60
seconds you can hear us walking through heavy snow, light snow, and slush, all
within one block. We both love to walk (and its always best to walk with someone
you love). Recorded to MD with a Marantz PMD650 recorder with an unknown microphone;
I applied a bit of hiss reduction, then normalized.' This fine reminder of the
real meaning of the Solstice, for those of us in balmier climates, comes from
sound artist Andrew Duke.
| december
15, 2003 | 1.4
MB |
'This recording was done at Geyikli, near Canakkale, Turkey. I was on my way back
to Istanbul after a week holiday at Bozcaada. There at Geyikli, I waited for nearly
4 hours for the bus which would take me to Istanbul. While waiting, I decided
to record the ambiance of the location. You will hear sounds of trucks, cars,
bicycles and the night workers from the distant blended with the Turkish music
played through a radio and the loud sound of a cicada: weird ambiance. Equipment:
Sharp MD-SR70 MD recorder, Sony ECM-MS907 microphone.' Today's vacation was contributed
by Erdem Helvacioglu. |
8, 2003 | 1.2
MB |
'For our Thanksgiving vacation, we stayed home (which was great) and worked on
the house. This recording is of me sanding the old softwood kitchen floor. While
I was working, the old refrigerator kicked on...' So writes today's contributor,
multimodal artist Larnie
Fox. Larnie's sound sculpture is displayed near mine at the Rx
Gallery Supersonic show. | december
1, 2003 | 1.4
MB |
'I got this in the town of Monasterevin, Ireland in March 2003. I was traveling
on a barge through central Ireland with my brother his new wife and her family
and friends. In the middle of the city there is a large forested area that had
been taken over by this cacophony; I had to record it, so I came back the next
morning before shoving off. I was hoping to get the church bells next to this
site but for some reason they never rang. I filtered out as much of the traffic
as I could, but otherwise this is a unedited ORTF recording with two Schoeps MK21
subcardioid capsules and a Grace Designs V2 Preamp into a HHb MDP500 Minidisc
recorder.' Today's vacation was contributed by multitalented recordist Greg
Weddig. | november
24, 2003 | 1.4
MB |
'It's springtime in the Botanic Gardens in Edinburgh, Scotland. In late afternoon,
the air is warming after a rain. We are walking out of the park as the guards
call out "Closing Time." Recorded in Edinburgh Scotland, April 2000.'
So writes today's contributor, sound designer and recordist Jeremiah
Lyman Moore. | november
17, 2003 | 1.4
MB |
'Silently sitting on the bank of a river in the rainforest at dusk, waiting for
a platypus to surface. A cacophony of rainforest birds, walking turtles, and jumping
fish appeared instead. Recorded in the Atherton tablelands rainforest, North Queensland,
Australia, on Mini DV in 16 bit stereo...' Today's vacation comes from artist
Dawn Neal, my occasional
collaborator and sister-in-law, who recorded
it on her honeymoon, and brought it home as a birthday present for both of us
(hers was yesterday, mine is Wednesday). | november
10, 2003 | 1.4
MB |
Dr. Frank Veit of the
Laboratory for Dolphin Behaviour Research in Eilat, Israel, works with hydrophone
(underwater microphone) recordings professionally. Of this week's vacation, he
writes, 'I've selected a recording of eight bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus)
in the open sea (Red Sea, Gulf of Aqaba, off the coast of Eilat). You hear the
typical ambient noise of the sea, a lot of low frequency rumble from waves and
distant ships etc. The irregular clicks that sound like a campfire are the constant
background sound of pistol shrimps. All the other sounds are from the dolphins:
whistles, the regular patterned echolocation clicks, pulsed sounds, low-frequency
sounds and noisy sounds. Many of them come from two 10-week old calves that played
close to the hydrophone, with one of their mothers approaching them at the end
of the sample...' | november
3, 2003 | 1.4
MB |
'A brief and beautiful walk through a tiny yet well-stocked aquarium store in
downtown Seattle's cultural district...' Today's vacation comes from Russell
Fincher, who actually submitted a recording about twice as long which
I ruthlessly cut to fit the one-minute format... :) |
27, 2003 | 1
MB |
'This was recorded towards the end of a baci celebration at a private home in
Laos. A group of women were sitting together eating, drinking, and making merry...
Recorded September, 2002.' A baci ceremony bestows good luck on a person or event;
baci are held when people are promoted in their work, move into a new house, star
a new job, and so on. Special baci can be arranged for new mothers or people getting
married. Few Lao would embark on a long journey without a Baci. Unique to Lao
culture, a Baci involves transferring good luck through blessed strings tied to
the wrist. The strings must stay attached for at least three day the luck to remain...
(adapted from Travel Laos).
Today's vacation comes from the lucky
Scott Avery. | october
20, 2003 | 1.4
MB |
'It is dusk in the Bosque Eternal de los Ninos (Children's Eternal Rainforest),
outside of Monteverde, Costa Rica. Birds, frogs, and insects sing to the accompaniment
of water dripping, a distant waterfall, and drummers practicing for the Costa
Rican Independence Day parade. Recorded with a Visivox stereo condenser mic into
a Sony MZ-R70 MD recorder.' So writes today's contributor, Joe
Balestreri. | october
13, 2003 | 1.4
MB |
'Elk recorded in Yellowstone National Park, September 21st of 2003 The sounds
you are hearing are the bugling of the big bull elk defending his cow and asserting
his territory during the autumnal rut. I used a Sony ECM-MS957 stereo mic directly
into a Sony MZ-R 55 minidisc. I also used a homemade windscreen made out of fake
fur.' A fine recording from today's contributor, Lady
Raven. | october
6, 2003 | 1.4
MB |
'Singapore, mid-January, 2003... walking through the tunnel from the Orchard Road
MRT station towards the Scott's Road exit, a blind busker plays a vaguely Slavic-sounding
theme on his Casio and wishes passersby a Happy New Year... Recorded with a Sharp
DR-7 MiniDisc and an AudioTechnica stereo lavalier mic.' Today's vacation was
contributed by Ian Kasley. |
29, 2003 | 1.4
MB |
'I took this recording in the Austrian Alps when hiking to Seekarspitze, a mountain
right above Achensee Lake. A peaceful and timeless place, Seekarspitze gathers
a couple of wee "almen" small alpine farms, mostly populated only by flocks
of cattle. Most of the time the cows, goats, and sometimes even horses don't live
between fences, but stroll around... so farmers tie bells to the cows these
bells help finding cattle being lost in the woods or in steep areas. These sixty
seconds were recorded in June in a wee, dark cow barn in Seekaralm; the sound
of bells mixes with cows heavily breathing and endlessly ruminating...' So writes
today's contributor, Fabian Mohr.
(A donkey bell of mine with a similar sound was used in the ceremony wedding my
sister-in-law Dawn and my friend Frey this weekend
congratulations to the new Mr. and Ms. Meson!) |
22, 2003 | 1.4
MB |
Late afternoon river traffic on the busy, busy Buriganga, in the heart of Dhaka,
Bangladesh: as heard from a leaky rowboat. Commuters, haulers, trawlers; dredging,
building, wrecking, remaking: all in hazy golden light. Another of my own recordings:
the business of communal life reasserting itself. [Aaron] |
15, 2003 | 1.4
MB |
At the end of San Francisco's Pier 39, a
troop of sea lions has established a
permanent colony: golden, fat, and wet, they seem to be enjoying their lives
to the fullest. Last week my brother miraculously survived a very bad motorcycle
accident, so I am late adding this vacation to the collection; now, I offer it
because the enjoyment the seals take in their lot (and the pleasure I take in
witnessing them) echoes the mood of humble thanks that pervades me ~ my gratitude
for my brother's survival. [Aaron] |
8, 2003 | 1.4
MB |
'A steamy, summer morning in Paris. A friend of mine who lives there invited me
to accompany her to, what she described as, an "Asian market". I browsed rows
of colorful produce, tomatoes and open melons, and listened to the frenetic, rhythmic
calls of the men behind the stalls. Recorded July 13, 2003 using OKM/Soundman
microphones and an Aiwa DR7 minidisc recorder.' Today's contribution comes from
Ken Reisman. |
1, 2003 | 1.1
MB |
'Taking a day off whilst on a work trip to Japan in June of this year I visited
Kamakura - about an hour by metro from central Tokyo. Kamakura is the place where
the first Shogunate (military government) under Yoritomo was established in 1192
and has a outstanding collection of Buddhist temples and Shinto shrines dotted
around the gentle hills that form a backdrop to the sandy beach. This recording
was made (using the built in microphone in a Casio EX-M1 camera) at the end of
a hot Sunday afternoon wandering around shrines and temples crouching down at
the ocean's edge to capture the sound of children playing amongst the breaking
waves.' So writes today's contributor, Bow Apostle of 12
Apostles. | august
25, 2003 | 1.4
MB |
Writes today's contributor, the amazing field recordist and sound artist Yannick
Dauby, 'Clans is a small village in the Alpes-Maritimes of France, located
at around 700 meters. Numerous tiny streams are found in this place, kind of 'water
paths'; they spread their sounds like an organic acoustic network. It is very
different from the other villages in the area, which are always very dry. As a
result life is much more active here.. This recording was made in a water-free
area, at 2 o'clock in the morning, in June 2003. I so like bats...!' |
18, 2003 | 1.4
MB | 'Coming
out of the Powell Street BART station [in San Francisco] on a Saturday, I heard
this blind homeless man singing. He had change in a styrofoam cup, which he was
jangling in strange rhythm with his songs... surrounded by all the hustle and
noise of a Saturday afternoon downtown, he was quite a contrast. There was a cellist
playing somewhere else in the station, which can be heard in the background. Between
songs he took long drinks from a large bottle of diet coke, and he said "bless
you" to everyone who gave him money. Recorded with a pair of headphone-mounted
Audio Technica AT835s and a consumer Sharp minidisc recorder.' Today's vacation
was contributed by violin player and Field Effects
alumni Milton Cross. |
11, 2003 | 1.4
MB |
'It's mid-July 2003 in Oaxaca City, Mexico, and I am standing outside the open
doors of the Church of Carmen Alta during an evening mass. Behind me, just outside
the church, a festival dedicated to the virgin Carmen is in full swing: The street
is lined with stands selling food, religious knickknacks, and, most audibly, bootlegged
CDs.' Today's vacation comes from my wife, Bronwyn
Ximm. | august
4, 2003 | 1.4
MB | 'July
4, 2003. West Oakland, California certainly knows how to celebrate the Fourth.
Illegal fireworks flood the city, no doubt a side effect of the massive drug trade,
which is in turn no doubt a side effect of Oakland being one of the largest ports
on the West Coast. Community disrepair aside, a beautiful noise occurs on a lovely
night: sounding like a toy war, the night crackles, rumbles, and snaps with the
reports of various explosives and perhaps a gun or two. A distant train and an
overhead plane compliment the aural pleasures of the night.' So opines today's
contributor, Bay Area electronic musician Peter
Nyboer. | july
28, 2003 | 1.4
MB |
'While walking along Vaci Utca, on the Pest side of Budapest in August of 2001,
I encountered an eccentric elderly man singing in tongues and tones while playing
what appeared to be homemade stringed instruments. The voice in the background
towards the end of the recording was a man attempting to serve as an accomplice
in relieving tourists of their Forint (HUF) or perhaps he was simply a
voluntary interpreter. Equipment: Sony Mavica FD camera.' Today's vacation was
contributed by Shoepal. |
21, 2003 | 1.6
MB | Not
everyone travels. This week's contributor, Hetty
Litjens, writes of her recording, 'I stay at home during vacations. This small
piece is called Suburban Silence. It was recorded a few weeks ago here in Amsterdam
in my garden. It has the sound of a plane and a blackbird.' |
14, 2003 | 225
KB |
'Winter, late afternoon, a rainy twilight. The heating oil truck is making its
way through the neighbourhood, playing its winsomely melancholy jingle. Three
cars come by with perfect timing, and from sixteen seconds in the rain stops.
A drop of water falls onto the tin above the window. Recorded at Setagaya-ku,
western Tokyo, February 2003.' Despite my preference for sixty second recordings,
I begged this lovely half-minute vacation from Jeremy Hedley of Antipixel
fame. | july
7, 2003 | 1.4
MB | 'Fire
juggling rehearsals in a field not far from Chaillac, France, on 15 July 1999.
I was on a trip with some French street performer friends who were taking time
out to rehearse material for their company Eldtraff's new show. In this instance
Hanna was practicing with a 6-or-so-foot-long hollow pipe, alight at either end.
On either vertical axis as she twirled, the pipe acted as a chimney, the hot air
rushing through it and creating a sound similar to blowing over the mouth of a
very large bottle... it was a very hot summer's night in an empty field, the air
otherwise filled with the sound of crickets and the clicking of electric sheep
fences...' This vacation was contributed by recordist .murmer.
based in England, who hosts a program 'consecrated' to field recordings
on London's marvelous ResonanceFM104.4.
The show, Framework, is broadcast alternate Fridays
at 8:30 pm GMT. You can contact him here.
Postscript: I received this update on July
20th: 'I have some sad news relating to the one-minute vacation of mine that you
used. On the 14th of July, 2003, Hanna Antman, the unsuspecting performer in this
sound piece, was killed in a car accident in the east of France. This one-minute
vacation has become, therefore, a one-minute memorial and tribute to a much-loved
person. Hanna, you will be missed.' | june
30, 2003 | 950
KB |
'I recorded this in Antarctica on a crappy hand-held tape recorder. It's a woman
singing in a hollowed out oil drum on Elephant Island, which made a lovely, angelic
reverb sound on her voice.' She expands on the story: 'I'll tell you a little
more about the recording - I went on a trip with my family, for fun, for about
two weeks in February, 2001. We stayed aboard a Russian icebreaker called the
Captain Dranitsyn, and the entire crew including the captain spoke Russian exclusively.
However, we were able to communicate through the universal language of ping pong,
which we played incessantly during the long cold nights after a day of hiking
around different Antarctic beaches. The day I made this recording, we were taking
a tour of an abandoned research site on Elephant Island. The woman who was singing
is a marine biologist in her 50s. She's withered and tough and somewhat shy. But
she took us into the oil drum to demonstrate its acoustic qualities, and let a
sound come out of her that was so angelic it brought tears to my eyes. I made
one of the boat crew take me back to the ship to get my Sony microcasette recorder,
and immediately returned to shore to get at least a few minutes of that sound
on tape...' Today's vacation was contributed by Jules
Bernstein. | june
23, 2003 | 1.4
MB |
to Tibet from Nepal on the 'Friendship Highway,' my wife and I were stopped at
the border town of Kothari and denied entry for several days. We passed the time
in this one-street truck stop high in the Himalayas listening to gloomy news of
martial law in Kathmandu, where the royal family had just been killed, and visiting
local hot springs A hundred meters up the hill a small monastery perched; beside
it, this water-powered, bell-clad prayer wheel spun perpetually, powered by a
rushing stream. Making this recording in sandals, I unwittingly befriended several
plump black leeches... [Todays' vacation is for Zack and Kate, who we met there. -Aaron] |
16, 2003 | 890
KB |
'I was at a recording session in a big construction warehouse, the ensemble being
a 21st century improvisation-oriented big band. The composer has moved an upright
piano into the space, and had prepared it a la John Cage, inserting objects into
the strings to cause odd microtonal pitches and percussive timbres. Lunch break
had been going for a while, I had my new Sharp DR7 and my Core Sound binaural
mics, and I thought I'd go over, sit down and improvise on the piano, and see
what it recorded like... I almost forgot: brass players seem to never want that
horn to leave their face for more than 90 seconds. Wouldn't you know they'd start
up just as I sat down, wandering around the room like metal cows bellowing bronzed
burps?' Today's contributor is Harry Partch enthusiast Jonathan
Szanto. | june
9, 2003 | 1.3
MB | 'Place:
The Avergat cave in Kanne, Belgium. It is an 'underground' recording, above groundwater
level, but below a mountaintop! Time: The stealth recording was made during my
holiday on Sunday the 23rd, February 2003, in the afternoon around 16 hundred
hours. Event: a guided tour for tourists, we were a group of about 7 and there
was the guide and his two kids. The guide is telling how he used to scare tourists
who visited the cave while he was a youngster; that explains the laughter. The
language he speaks is Flemish (Vlaams), not Dutch, 'though it almost sounds the
same. Equipment used: besides the flashlight, a Sony MZ-R55 portable MD recorder
and Soundman OKM II Classic Studio
binaural microphones.' Today's vacation ('56 seconds to be precise') was contributed
by the meticulous Evert
Veldhuis. | june
2, 2003 | 730
KB |
'In Japan during the cold season vendors in small pickup trucks call out (or as
in this case in recent years, play a loop tape recording) "yaki imo... oishii,
yaki imo" (get your toasty hot sweet potatoes). Other night-time vendors
who cruise the neighborhoods have their own signature sound (e.g. hot ramen noodle
dealers on wheels). Years ago people selling bamboo (for hanging clothing to dry)
and tofu could also be heard through the side streets of towns and cities, too.
Recording made on Ricoh DU-4 digital camera using the sound-record feature and
built-in mic, in May 2000 in rural west Japan.' So writes today's contributor
of but half a minute, Guven
Witteveen. | may
26, 2003 | 1.4
MB | 'The
recording, dating from 1995, features the sound of a London Underground train,
the Northern Line to be precise. I have always loved the London Tube and the sonics
generated by this older generation train evoke(d) the notion of long-distance
travel within a metropolis, strangely hypnotical and peaceful, while at the same
time hinting at the decades of development of such a complex sub-city system.
The track was recorded onto tape using a simple Walkman and a stereo microphone.'
Today's vacation comes from Christian H. Soetemann who can be contacted
here. | may
19, 2003 | 700
KB |
'I just returned from Morocco, here is some far away call to prayer at dawn and
some people walking in the alley. This was recorded at 5 am, February 13, 2003,
Marrakech.' So writes today's contributor, traveler and sound artist Greyg
Filastine of Seattle's Postworld
Industries and Infernal
Noise Brigade. | may
12, 2003 | 1.4
MB | 'Recorded
at 4:30 am in Vermont at my great aunt's farm back in 1975 using a Sony reel to
reel and two Sony Electorate Condenser mics. My great aunt's farm is called "Verona"
(Shakespeare reference) and it is a flyway for migratory birds. In the peak of
the summer when the sun rises at 4:30 the birdsong is amazing! This is a one minute
sample from the recording which is available at SoundsOfOurPlanet.com...'
So writes today's contributor, Eric
Van der Wyk. (Hey world, submit more vintage recordings please!) |
5, 2003 | 1.4
MB |
'This recording was made in October 2001 on the shore of the east German village
Ahrenshoop, on the Baltic Sea. The stereo microphone was placed on wooden wave
breakers. The waves rolled by on the coarse gravel, sometimes producing gurgling
sounds and bursting splashes; in the background you can hear the steady thunderous
voice of the sea... Equipment: Sony MZ-R90 and Aiwa CM-S1 stereo microphone..'
Today's vacation was contributed by Gunther
Reiche of Hanau, near Frankfurt/Main. | april
28, 2003 | 1.4
MB | 'Recorded
on the afternoon of October 1, 2002, on MiniDisc in Santa Cruz, California. Skateboards...
the 'Fun Zone'... near train tracks.' Today's contributor is Trummerflora
Collective sound artist Marcelo
Radulovich. [I can't help pointing out that this recording was made on my
anniversary -Aaron] |
21, 2003 | 1
MB |
'Early last March, my wife and I were walking towards James Bond Beach, in Oracabessa,
Jamaica. Its name comes from the fact that it's right next to Golden Eye, where
Ian Fleming wrote his novels and fished for barracudas. It was a warm and sunny
day, as usual, with just a few local people around. Suddenly, out of the bush
came a couple of kids - baby goats, that is! To our amazement, they did not act
scared at all. One of them, the one in the center, came up really close and welcomed
us. You can hear his sister or brother answering off to the left. If you listen
carefully, you can also hear my wife 'oooing' early on in the recording. I used
a Sennheiser binaural mic and a Sony MZ-N707 minidisc recorder.' So writes today's
contributor, Ned Bouhalassa. |
14, 2003 | 470
KB | 'These
are the sounds surrounding the Pyrolarium, my 1.5 ton wooden sculpture, as it
was engulfed in flames at the 1999 Burning
Man Festival. Art is often destroyed by fire at this event, and the Pyrolarium's
inferno attracted percussionists, fire dancers, and other chilly observers. The
sculpture existed for a week as a pyrotechnic sundial, so it was fitting for it
to be destroyed by flames at sunset, the last night of the festival.' So writes
today's contributor, VC
Scafati. | april
7, 2003 | 1
MB |
'This recording was made in Ghana in the Summer of 1999. I dropped a small Aiwa
lapel microphone (CM-S20) out of the window of my room at the University Of Ghana,
Legon (a suburb of Accra). I recorded directly to my Compaq laptop hard drive,
using Sound Forge. As far as I can recall the file has not been processed except
for fade-in, fade-out, and WAV to MP3 conversion. I am sending it as a stereo
file because that is how I found it on the laptop. The channels seem so even,
I suspect it was recorded in mono but I honestly do not know. It is about 6:00
a.m. The roosters have been calling for some time. You can hear the low rumble
of the commerce of Accra as trucks move toward the city. Mostly it is birds, a
dawn chorus much like what I hear outside in North Carolina. I cannot identify
any of them except the roosters.' Today's vacation was contributed by James
S. Lee. | march
31, 2003 | 1.4
MB | 'In
October of 2001, the town of Paro, Bhutan opened its first Internet cafe. As with
any new business venture, this was done with an all-day blessing ceremony. I happened
to be in town and was invited to attend. There was a lama and a half dozen monks
in the back room, thick incense smoke, drums, flutes, food and drink offerings,
and painted scrolls on the walls. At one point they all went to the front of the
shop and threw holy rice on the computers.' So writes today's contributor, Brian
Romer. | march
24, 2003 | 1.4
MB |
'[This] recording was taken end of February at 5:40 in the morning in Bharatpur,
India. I was standing on a rooftop. You hear peacocks which are sitting in the
trees all around. Additionally you hear the never-ending noise of heavy lorries
and a rhythmic sound which is the neighbour's hand driven water pump. The recording
was made with Creative Jukebox 3 and OKM
Soundman II Klassik microphones...' Today's vacation was contributed by Walter
Schiessberg. | march
17, 2003 | 1.4
MB | Today's
contribution was recorded by Yehlin
Lee (Rio) on February 14, 2003, in Yanshwei county, Tainan, Taiwan. Of the
recording, Yehlin writes: 'Yanshwei (Salty water) Bee-Firecracker is the biggest
and most famous activity on Lantern Festival in Taiwan. This tradition originates
from Ching dynasty, when the widespread plague prevailed in this region. The rumour
is that the god of Gwangung in the martial temple (Wu Myau) instructed people
to let off firecrackers to get rid of the pestilence... As its name [suggests],
the Bee-Firecracker is made of hundreds of thousands small firecrackers in pile,
just as a honeycomb. On the night of lantern festival, the crowds and the palanquin
of gods run among the exploding bee-firecrackers in [their] variety. With its
extremely danger, this physical hearing experience fascinates me with [its] unexpected
shape of sound. Recorded with Sony TCD-D8 and Sonic
Studios DSM binaural microphones. Suggested to listen with headphones, but
please be cautious of the unexpected high volume.' I chose this recording for
today as more than ever the world needs good fortune and protection. If only this
were the only use for gunpowder. | march
10, 2003 | 1.4
MB |
'Rachmaninoff at the Fish Counter. Well, why not? I took this Vacation at Ranch
99, the huge Asian-oriented supermarket in El Cerrito, California. Bubbling tanks,
sharpening knives, and the Sounds of Romance on the Muzak. Recorded 1/27/03, using
a Sony MZ-R50 and Radio Shack's stereo condenser mikes mounted on a dummy pair
of old headphones under a wool cap...' So writes today's contributor, Bay Area
musician John Tenney. |
3, 2003 | 1.4
MB | 'Water
in contact with seaweed, which has been washed up on the shore. Recorded around
midnight in mid- November, 2002, in the Swedish archipelago...' Today's lovely,
subtle contribution was recorded by Herr
Axelsson. (A quiet birthday present today for my wife Bronwyn, and our dear
friend Susan Robb who shares it.) | february
24, 2003 | 1.4
MB |
'This was recorded at 2:00 AM on Sunday, April 29, 2001 at Le Petit Journal in
Paris, France. The band was called the South New Orleans Serenaders and they were
finishing their second set. I was sitting at a small table in the former brothel
with my future wife. Seeing Dixieland Jazz played with such exuberance always
brings a smile to my face. The fact that we were in Paris only made the smile
larger...' This vacation was submitted by Andrew
J. Stitt, who also comments that the recording was 'made on a 16 bit 16khz
MP3 player with its built in mono mic, a very lo-fi device. The recording is not
exactly oozing with sonic quality. Nonetheless, it's a snapshot...' |
17, 2003 | 1.4
MB |
New Year, and the year of the Ram has just begun. We celebrate with a recording
from San Francisco's famous Chinatown, made in March, 2001, courtesy of today's
contributor, Tommy
of Broadcastatic. [A more
recent recording of Chinatown, made by my wife Bronwyn, was aired on The
Savvy Traveler a week or so ago; it should be in the archives. Also, I can't
resist mentioning that the 'year of the Ram' makes a great spoonerism. -Aaron] |
10, 2003 | 1.4
MB |
'Recorded in September of 1987 when my wife and I were in Beijing. We were walking
around Temple of Heaven Park and came upon a group of people watching some men
play mahjong. In the background you can hear a woman singing with the accompaniment
of a two-stringed fiddle. I used a Marantz PAD 201 portable cassette recorder.
Have no idea what the mic was.' This vacation was submitted by Jeff
Sampson. | february
3, 2003 | 1.4
MB | 'In
summer 2001, I discovered a pedestrian tunnel in Stockholm that is about 200 meters
long and 4 meters in diameter. An old man was sitting in the center of it playing
a stringed instrument and taking advantage of the resonance. This recording was
made with Sonic Studios
DSM-6S mics and a Sharp minidisc recorder.' So writes today's contributor, Steven
Fruhwirth. | january
27, 2003 | 510
KB |
'I record my soundscapes during my travels. I submit an extract from a recording
I did this summer (22 august 2002, afternoon) in the Arab quarter of Agrigento,
a city of Sicily. The girls of the recordings are Italian girls, daughters of
Arab fathers who emigrated to Sicily. They sang a popular Arab song; I recorded
it with a minidisc Sony using the headphones as a microphone (because my microphone
was broken). Enjoy it.' This vacation was contributed by Tiziano
Bonini, a radio researcher at the University of Milan. |
20, 2003 | 1.5
MB |
all Americans are quiet. On January 18, antiwar
protests in Washington DC and San
Francisco were attended by several hundred thousand people. These recordings
document a range of the voices and sounds at the San Francisco protest, from strident
to inspiring, from insipid to stirring. Today is the first anniversary of the
one-minute vacation project; thanks for listening. Here
are more MP3s: chimes 1.4
MB no blood 1.4 MB justice
1.4 MB peace 1.4
MB baez 1.4 MB mlk 1.4
MB donations 1.4 MB discordian
1.6 MB now 814
KB stridency 1.4 MB. [Aaron] |
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Thanks to
Julie Shapirofor this image
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