Hanoi | The Quiet American Location 21° 01' N, 105° 53' E
Time Zone G | | UTC/GMT +7 hours
Airports 1
Inhabitants 1,372,800
(Hanoi City), 2,503,000 (including agglomeration)
A spin through Hanoi in 1998: the sounds of traffic from
the back of a cyclo; of hand-cranked machines in a storefront workshop; of musicians
at the Temple of Literature; of a back-alley courtyard with ducks and video games...
This is an impressionist portrait of Hanoi, rather than a literal one. It was
painted through the application of a few specific studio processes, most involving
the manipulation of time. Time is stretched, reversed, stuttered through: and
events are juxtaposed and woven, now approaching, now receding.
The goal: to
render Hanoi not as it is, not as it was, but as I remember it now.