July of 2002, sculptor Gina Telcocci asked me to compose a soundscape to
accompany her work in a group show, Biophilia, at
the New Mexico State Capitol Building in Santa Fe. The
show was curated by Bobbe Besold as part of an ongoing series of installations
and events at the capitol.
soundscape, installed with a CD player and an unobtrusive speaker, accompanied
Gina's sculpture Monkey Pod 2, which you can see
in the photo below. More
of Gina's work can be seen here.
Gina Telcocci's Monkey Pod
2 (2002)
Monkey Pod, Gina initially approached me looking for natural sound; the theme
of the show, a love of life in its many forms (and a concern about our relation
to those forms) is a component of both of our work. The
composition I settled on is a quiet mix of ever-changing natural sound components,
all taken from my recordings. Sound sources used included crickets, crows, streams,
waves, thunder, insects, chickens, the dawn chorus of birds at Angkor Wat, etc.
As with my recordings in general, the 'natural' is inescapably pervaded with the
human presence: distant, perhaps, but recurring. Initially
I prepared the work for multiple playback devices, but it proved easier to install
with a single deck. This
soundscape is available on CD. |