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recording |
MB |
minute unprocessed field recording documenting a festival celebrating the Buddha's
birthday. Made on May 7, 2001, in Kagbeni, a medieval village at the top of the
Jomson valley in the Annapurna region of Nepal, situated on a major historical
trade route with Tibet.
The town's Tibetan Buddhism shows the heavy influence
of animist religion; on either end of the warren of Kagbeni's cobbled streets
stand overtly anatomically correct male and female effigies. Much of this recording
captures a procession of townspeople bearing scripture on their backs as they
process before the large male effigy; during the ceremony the figure was supplicated
with tossed offerings and attended by a a smoldering juniper fire, which you can
hear crackling at the end of the recording as I approach. |
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1 | 1.6
MB | Converging
revelation: frequencies restored successively to a looped sample from above and
below, beginning with silence. |
2 | 1.1
MB | Sample
punctuated by interrupting delays of regularly oscillating length. |
3 | 1.1
MB | Oscillating
duty cycle varying the cross-fade point between two superimposed samples of equal
length. |
4 | 3.4
MB | Forward
translation of in and out points across a sample, at fixed relative offset. |
variation 5
| 6.9
MB | Backward
translation of in and out points across a sample, at fixed relative offset. |
variation 6 | 1.1
MB | Recursive
translation backward of sample in and out points (recursion depth two). |
7 | 3.1
MB | Progressive
translation of in and out points (of fixed offset) forward and backward, alternating
each direction six successive times, progressively increasing translation distance
from origin. |
8 | 1.9
MB | Translation
by fixed offset of alternating sample in and out points forward and backward from
a common origin, overlaid with the same procedure applied to the same sample,
but converging rather than diverging. |
9 | 1.6
MB | Recursive
bisection of a sample swapping halves' positions, resulting in perfect time reversal
(some iterations omitted). |
10 | 3.1
MB | Two
centerpoint-aligned layers superimposed, both generated at different offsets with
the following procedure: sample length first increased by translating sample out
point forward, then decreased by translating sample in point forward. |
11 | 870KB | Simple
retriggering: regularly repeating but arbitrary pattern of progressive in and
out point pairs, always moving forward across a sample. |
variation 12 | 3.9
MB | Interleaved
retriggering: progressive retriggering as in Variation 11, but alternating with
samples progressing backwards across a reversed copy of the source loop following
an inverse pattern. |
13 | 2.7
MB | Reversal
of the ordering of contiguous samples of equal length, through successive simultaneous
regular relative offset translations, momentarily creating a moment of perfect
juxtaposition of all samples. |
14 | 3.2
MB | Varispeed
bifurcation: superimposition of two copies of the same sample simultaneously slowly
speeding up and slowing down. |
15 | 1.7
MB | Phase
cancellation progressively offset: one phase-inverted copy of a sample initially
aligned with another translated out of a phase with it one physical sample at
a time. |
16 | 2.3
MB | Progressive
translation by fixed increments forward and backward of equidistant in and out
points in two superimposed stereo-reversed layers, palindromically originating
in and returning to origin, with resultant recurring perfect stereo cancellation. |
variation 17
| 3.2
MB | Accreting
superimposition of contiguous successive samples of fixed length, adding each
successive sample after four repetitions, evolving from depth one to three, then
one to four; twice successively, |
18 | 2.8
MB | Recurrent
pattern of contracting then expanding progressive retriggered excerpts of a single
sample, result superimposed with a stereo-reversed and offset copy of itself. |
19 | 1.9
MB | Seven
mutually-exclusive descending frequency band filters applied successively to seven
repetitions each of fifteen contiguous samples of equal length, compressed so
as to superimpose every fourth sample. |
20 | 2.2
MB | Stereo
cancellation phasing: superimposition of stereo-reversed duplicate loops, one
slightly accelerated, beginning and ending in perfect stereo cancellation. |
21 | 1.5
MB | Subdivision
with mutually-exclusive frequency band filters of seven slightly relatively stretched
copies of a loop, arrayed so the original sample is reconstituted perfectly when
all layers simultaneously reach phase alignment. |
22 | 2.3
MB | Progressive
hard gating at increasing thresholds of a loop until silence remains. |
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23 | 2.3
MB | Summation:
superimposition of equal-length contiguous excerpts from source recording juxtaposed. |
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24 | 2.2
MB | Progressive
gapping, offset: two identical but stereo-reversed copies of a sample, subdivided
into segments of constant length N by gaps increasing in length from zero to N,
offset relative to each other by length N. |
25 | 3.4
MB | Juxtaposition
of eight slightly relatively varisped copies of Variation 4, half of them stereo-reversed. |
26 | 3.2
MB | Bifurcation
of convergence: juxtaposition of Variation 14 with the application of the same
procedure in reverse to the same sample. |
27 | 1.6
MB | Alternating
excerpts of fixed length from the slow increase to, and slow decrease from, normal
playback speed of two copies of the same sample, with resultant logarithmic progression
forward and backward of relative in and out points at fixed offset from origin;
result subject to forward-translating in and out points as in Variation 4. |
28 | 2.4
MB | Superimposition
of duplicate layers produced by forward translation of in and out points at fixed
relative offset across the same sample, one layer's translation offset oscillating
symmetrically faster and slower than the other's; result superimposed with looped
copies of itself varisped up and down an octave and stereo-reversed; and the result
reversed. |
29 | 2.2
MB | Four
layers of progressive restoration of a single loop by decreasing scope of frequency
filtering, superimposed with four layers of the reverse procedure (the progressive
occlusion of the same loop by increasing the scope of frequency filtering), with
six layers subsequently filtered selectively to emphasize frequencies found in
the C Major chord, half of the layers stereo-reversed, and four of the layers
subsequently pitch shifted by a Major Third or Perfect Fifth. |
30 | 9.2
MB | Two
slightly relatively varispeed sets of eight superimposed frequency-band filtered
copies of a derivative of Variation 4, filters for each layer chosen to emphasize
frequencies found in one note of the C Major scale; derivatives produced by superimposing
slightly varispeed offset copies of Variation 4. |
31 | 5.4
MB | Progressive
excerpts from a single sample, retriggering and lengthening by a factor of two
four times before progressing; result superimposed on an offset duplicate of itself;
three copies of result layered, with one copy varisped up a Major Fifth and stereo-reversed,
and one copy varisped up an Octave. |
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32 | 7.7
MB | Summation:
successive presentation of the samples from which all of other variations were
made. |
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