|  |  |
clock | 925
KB | Wakeup
call for breakfast, as interpreted on a riverbank on the verge of Chitiwan National
Park on the Terai, the northern edge of the Gangetic plain. |
swing | 2.4
MB | In
a narrow lane in a less-touristed section of old Kathmandu, what sounds for all
the world like a would-be Coltrane honing some chops. An alto sax? Another reed
instrument? I couldn't tell, but stood in a traffic of small children and bikes
to listen. |
Bagarchap | 1.4
MB | Morning
chant at the Diki Kalsang gompa in Bagarchap, half way up the Manang valley in
central Nepal. In the mid-90's the town was devestated by a landslide, something
not apparent at first glance today. No precarious overhangs or steep slopes crowd
the town; but a river of house-sized boulders cleanly removed its middle one day.
I sat in on morning chant to record this gompa, then returned a half hour later
to record again as I'd accidentally placed my recorder in 'mono' recording
cause for general amusement. |
horns | 860
KB | An
hour after is started, the chanting documented here climaxed in a sudden burst
of closely-tuned horns. |
harvest | 1.3
MB | On
a hot hillside, we paused on the trail and let a father and son pass, dragging
18' (three meter) lengths of bamboo. You could hear the bamboo banging and clattering
from half a mile away. |
camp hail | 1.6
MB | At
the 'base camp' below the Thorang La, highest pass of the Annapurna circuit, we
weathered a sudden hailstorm under plexiglass skylights. Over lunch all conversation
turns the same points over: press on to the more recently established 'high camp,'
and shave an hour off the next day's long climb but perhaps risk courting
acute mountain sickness from the extra altitude? |
blessing | 1.5
MB | An
hour's climb above Manang, an elderly resident lama and his wife live in a cave
house retreat. For an appropriate offering (five dollars was advised), the lama
will bless you, hopefully sending you safely over the Thorang La and on your way.
I still wear the string he tied around my neck, some two and a half years ago.
Last year I learned his niece lived half a block from us, here in San Francisco. |
cone | 1.6
MB | A
neighborhood convenience store tempts passing foottraffic with a radio suffering
from a blown speaker cone. I live for these grainy, gritty textures of failing
electronics. |
top travel | 1.2
MB | Some
of the happiest moments of my travels have been had perched uncomfortably atop
ramshackle long-haul busses like this one, trading sunshine for safety, bouncing
above roadsick fellow passengers and their unticked livestock, watching the beautiful
world go by. In this recording the engine strains as the bus climbs the foothills,
and as it rounds a corner you hear the verge pass close by, alive with insects. |
lamps | 1.4
MB | In
Muktinath temple (famous for its benevolent Nandi-headed fountains which are said
to wash the devoted free of sin) a middle-aged European Buddhist paid to have
108 butter lamps lit, and did prostrations on the floor while they were gathered,
prepared, and lit. |
chickens | 1.5
MB | Lunchtime:
we pause to fill our water bottles, and porters headed uphill pause to cook soup.
There cargo coos and clucks the most amazing assortment of noises: chickens stuffed
in stacked cages, the stacks as tall as the man who carries it. |
grinder | 1.1
MB | One
of several ingenious water-powered grain grinders we saw: above the soft lilt
of the stream, you can hear a rock-tipped wooden stick bouncing on the grinding
stone. |
sea gurgle | 1.8
MB | Gurgling
irrigation cistern at 13,000', Annapurna region, Nepal. An inexplicable bit of
buried irrigation on an arid hillside above the tree line in the Manang valley
of Nepal. Hiking past, I heard this deep-sea gurgle and of course had to stop
to capture it. What you hear is not manipulated in any way; it's just the mysterious
burbling beneath a sheet of steel, and occasionally the wind blowing by. |
devotion | 1.6
MB | All-male
amateur band, singing devotional hymns to Shiva I believe. We passed them gathered
in a cozy green room down a narrow street in old Kathmandu; on noticing our interest,
they welcomed us right in to listen to them play. Here's another
moment. |
donations | 1.5
MB | In
the courtyard behind the 'Golden Temple' in Patan, monks count donations at the
end of the day as a few late afternoon devotees make their quiet rounds. |
yaks | 1.4
MB | Midnight
in Yak Karka, at 16,000': yaks doze warily in bright moonlight in their rocky
pasture; a newborn icy stream rushes down the valley below. Please listen to this
one at low volume, it's a quiet moment. For my wife in celebration of our tenth
anniversary together, and in memory of a snowy morning climb to the top of Yak
Ri the following morning. |
cicada | 1
MB | The
low dry forst of the Terai was filled with buzzing insects: I call them cicadas,
but what do I know? This was nearly as much energy as my niece, Cicada Jenerik,
to whom it is offered. |
scratching | 1.9
MB | Here
in San Francisco, tourists line up to ride the cable cars; in Chitiwan National
Park, we lined up to ride the elephants. Awaiting our turn, we watched in amazement
as the elephants picked up sticks and used them to scratch their legs. And you
thought only primates used tools.Q |
cracker blessing | 910
KB | In
Kagbeni we caught the town in its yearly celebration of what we think was the
Buddha's birthday. As new prayer flags were strung all over town, firecrackers
echo into the high rocky cliffs to disperse malevolent spirits. |
floor | 1.3
MB | Scratchy,
dry-sounding insects, insistent birds, and 'monkey fruit' that tasted good but
infected us with intestinal parasites. |
radio | 1.9
MB | Woeful
reception, woeful playback, and a woeful wail, on a woeful day: dinner on our
first night in Kothari, where we were stranded just shy of the Tibetan border
when the Chinese refused to let our tour group pass. In Kathmandu, martial law
had been declared not long after we left the city: the royal family had just been
assasinated. |
shrine | 1.5
MB | In
a busy confluence of dark, moody streets not far from Darbar Square in Kathmandu,
a Ganesh shrine does a brisk business as devotees look for luck amid the chaos. |
threshing | 1.1
MB | Thankless
work in the very poor hills: while parents thresh and toss grain on rooftops,
their kids roam the streets and watch me with snot running unremarked down their
faces, wonder what I'm doing below. Rice I guessed. |
horses | 1.5
MB | Just
below Manang, a mandatory rest-stop for altitude acclimation on the Annapurna
circuit, we fall in with a herd of horses being driven up the valley by a family.
Green hills that only suggesting lushness; the still-formidable river to one side.
All around us, the jingle bells the horses wear. |
camp stream | 1.7
MB | High
camp, Thorang La: last stop before the Thorang La pass. Clouds whip and dance
for a sunset amid the high rock so sublime I wept. As the light failed I walked
the banks of the stream that far below becomes a river, stalking small, fast gray
rodents we saw dash from rock to rock. |
prayerwheel | 1.6
MB | Water-powered
prayer wheel, Tibet-Nepal border. A hundred feet up the hill from Kothari, the
last Nepalese town along the 'Friendship Highway' to Tibet, a racing stream spins
a five-foot prayer wheel. The wheel rings a bell as it spins... making this recording,
I became an unwitting dinner for a few leeches. |
chowk hawkers | 1.3
MB | Tireless
call of child hawkers, selling something that I swear sounds like 'Punjabi.' My
notes are little help; I scrawled that they were selling 'sink scrubbers.' |
swing | 2
MB | Insects
in the forest at the bottom of the Jomsom valley, falling in and out of phase.
Don't mean a thing, if it ain't got that swing. |
walk | 1.6
MB | Creeping
theoretically soundless through Chitiwan on foot, in search of tigers, rhinos
and sloth-bears. Despite my crashing, breathing, and stamping, we managed to see
all three on our trip. |
ritual | 1.4
MB | One
part of an elaborate ritual I recorded for twenty minutes, the source for my album
Kagbeni Variations.
The ceremony, a cinematic affair made more atmospheric by ritual dress, burning
juniper, and cobbled streets, appeared to marry recognition of the Buddha's birthday
with placatory devotion to a pair of life-sized anatomically correct animist figures. |
horns | 840
KB | Swayanabath
hill houses many temples, including the one crowning itknown to incurious tourists
as the 'monkey temple' for its troupe of rapacious monkeys. Farher down the hill,
ten-foot Tibetan long horns come to life in what seemed to be a rehearsal: occasionally
things would crash to
a halt, and after a brief discussion, everyone would start from the top. |
lake chorus | 1.6
MB | Nepal
is said to be home to a ridiculous proportion of the world's bird species. I have
no idea how many can be heard calling in this excerpt, recorded on the shore of
'long lake' in Chitiwan National Park, but welcome attempts at identification.
I'm pretty sure that's a woodpecker towards the end? Source for my multichannel
piece What the Thunder Said. |
courtyard | 1.4
MB | Meticulously
manicured matriarchal Marpha on the Annapurna circuit: whitewashed stone town
of neat fields, well-maintained walls, and an enchilada so delicious I ordered
it again for breakfast. Bright and early we sit in the sun in a courtyard for
a few minutes, listening to the kids play. |
duet | 1.6
MB | Dusk
greeted in Marpha (see above) by two monks blowing unison horns out the window
of their monastary. |
metalcutting | 1.6
MB | Metal
cut in an alleyway workshop, in Kathmandu. |
minstrels | 1.5
MB | Gandharvas,
wandering minstrels of Nepal, playing a favorite (we heard it everywhere) at a
house concert on an Annapurna trailside. As happened several times, when we stopped,
curious, we were quickly invited in and bidden to sit and listen. My wife Bronwyn
admired their nice leather shoes. |
steamer | 1.6
MB | The
Tibetan influx into Kathmandu probably brought momo,: stuffed steamed dumplings,
with it. The grumbling buzz and bustle of a dedicated momo steamer. They were
delicious. |
pandit | 1.5
MB | Public
speaker holding forth to a small seated crowd in Darbar Square, the central plaza
of Kathmandu. If you can tell what he was lecturing about (it seemed more political
than philosophical), let me know. |
fountain bottles | 1.4
MB |
In the middle of the breathtaking medieval architecture of Darbar Square in Patan,
young girls play with discarded plastic bottles at a decorative fountain/well.
Patan is only a short trip from the sprawl of smoggy, dense Kathmandu, but it
has a relaxed, intimate feel. |
prayer wheels | 1.7
MB | At
the foot of Swayanabath temple hill in the Kathmandu valley, two taller-than-me,
bell-ringing prayer wheels are kept in motion by mantra-muttering devotees with
slightly different paces. |
resonance | 1.6
MB | A
pole that once carried powerlines now just hums and whistles in the brisk wind.
If you listen closely you can hear it climbing the harmonic series. |
flapping | 1.5
MB | On
a high flat valley floor, a wind whipped the prayerflags of Ngawhal so mercilessly
we could hear when the town was still barely visible. Stark, treeless slopes soar
on either side, in the heart of the Annapurna range. |
wheels | 1.4
MB | Everywhere
I've been in the Himalayan hills of Nepal, I've encountered mani walls dividing
the trail walls built entirely from stone slabs carved with Buddhist mantras
(the older the stone, the denser the carving). Some of the walls enclose prayer
wheels to spin as you pass spinning them spreads blessings on the wind
from the mantras stuffed inside. Hopefully listening to this track has the same
effect. |
in Koto | 1.2
MB | Koto
in the Manang Valley: three nuns spin self-beating drums strung with balls that
whip around like a familiar child's toy... after the ceremony, we were invited
to join the local children in helping ourselves to the food that'd been offered.
Mostly dry bread and sweets, reminding me of prasad in Hindu ceremonies. |
tinkering | 1.8
MB | In
the aftermath of light rain, two men work on what I took to tbe rims of bicycles
in Bhaktapur... and the inevitably inquisitive local children inquire what I'm
doing. |
crossing | 1.2
MB | I've
forded numerous rivers in my day, but I would always prefer to do it this way:
perched on the back of a docile elephant. This time was in Chitiwan National Park.
Eventually I'll post another such crossing, near Chiang Mai in Thailand. |
sales | 1.7
MB | I
can't get the tune out of my head: bowed sarangi salesmen, bless them, offer to
teach anyone who will buy their wares in Thamel, the tourist ghetto of Kathmandu.
Notice it's the same tune the Ghondarbas play above... |
gamblers | 1.5
MB | Killing
time at the Snowland hotel, a trekker's teahouse: Nepali guides and porters, and
European backpackers, play cards at several tables. Too late to press on, too
early for dinner, perhaps we'll have some tea. |
shoes | 1.5
MB | The
proximity of Nepal to China occasionally revealed itself it in the mass-produced
plastic goods that could be had cheaply in the bazaar: like these unbearable intentionally
squeaky shoes, worn by two sisters I followed home. I have to admit, this is one
of my favorite recordings. |
bridge | 2.2
MB | Crossing
a perilous bridges over a rushing, ice-cold Himalayan river: no wonder they call
it suspense. You've seen the pictures, but it's another thing to trust yourself
to their sway and bounce. Especially when you've read the oft-traded quote in
a popular trekking guide, attributed to an NGO that builds bridges in remote Nepal:
'Engineer them? We don't engineer them, we just build them.' |
in Pisang | 1.5
MB | Upper
Pisang, or Lower Pisang? The former meant an extra few hours of climb, making
an easy day a very long and hard one: but it held views so sublime of the Annapurna
peaks that my wife and I were both moved to tears. At the end of the trail, we
stayed overnight in a young woman's home-cum-lodge, perched on the hill. After
making us this tea, she made us dinner: while we slept in her bed, she slept on
the roof in a tent. |
flute | 1.4
MB | Unchained
melody on a flute, as played by the lodge owner's son. A partly cloudy, hot and
cold sort of day; the end of a long one, that saw us over the Thorang La. Hot
lemon tea was had here to flute, but our dinner was an hour or so down the hill. |
lullaby | 1.2
MB | Drunken(?)
lullaby as a teahouse hotel closes down for the night, the tourists fed, the radio
whining, and the donkeys standing motionless on the cobbles outside. We lingered
after dinner, talking with a woman who worked for Doctors Without Borders here,
and shared a pot of mint tea. At the bottom of the pot we found an unfortunately
caterpillar among the boiled leaves. |
thunder | 1.2
MB | Call
and response under a grumbling gray sky, in the dry open jungle of the Terai. |
tuneup | 1.2
MB | Accidental
concert as a pair of instruments destined for hippy bedrooms are brought into
tune, in Thamel, the tourist ghetto of Kathmandu. |
crow | 1.5
MB | Taunted
by a huge Tibetan crow, pasture below Bragha monastar which no matter when
we visited, was always closed. |
volleyball | 1.3
MB | In
all honesty, I found it extremely refreshing and hopeful that these two adolescent
girls had enough free time, interest, and energy to play what looked like conventional
volleyball in an upper valley. |
walk | 1.2
MB | What
it sounds like to climb a rocky trail at 15,000'. It's more like, out of thin
air. |
with donkeys | 1.4
MB | Decorated
hard-working donkey trains and their melodious
bells: sometimes we walked with them, sometimes against them. |
from Bollywood | 1.3
MB | Trapped
by an overnight snowstorm-cum-whiteout, we passed time at Thorang Phedi high camp
watching porters play carom, reading our books, drinking tea, and listening to
sappy Bollywood songs played on an ailing tape deck. Everyone else had decided
to press on in the near-zero visibility, defiant of all common sense and in defiance
of the stern admonitions of every guide book we consulted. We stayed an extra
day, and crossed the high pass the next morning under crystaline blue skies. |
grazing | 1.8
MB | On
the shores of scenic, Western tourist-overrun Pokhara lake, fat water puffalo
crop the grass into a golf green. Not the most inauspicious of the many rebirths
before me. |
windchimes | 430
KB | The
door closes at another tourist restaurant, this one in Bhaktapur's Darbar square.
Farewell, Nepal. |